[2019-11-18 17:08:14] Run E:\自学\数据库\项目商品信息管理\静态页面\icake.sql
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] Connecting to localhost...
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] Using batch mode (1000 insert/update/delete statements max)
drop database if exists icake
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] 3 row(s) affected in 34 ms
create database icake
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] 1 row(s) affected in 3 ms
use icake
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] 0 row(s) affected in 1 ms
drop table if exists account
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] 0 row(s) affected in 1 ms
drop table if exists cake
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] 0 row(s) affected in 2 ms
drop table if exists catalog
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] 0 row(s) affected in 1 ms
create table account
id int not null auto_increment,
account varchar(20),
password varchar(20),
nick_name varchar(20),
primary key (id)
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] 0 row(s) affected in 15 ms
create table cake
id int not null auto_increment,
title varchar(20),
cid int,
image_path varchar(100),
price double,
taste varchar...
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] 0 row(s) affected in 14 ms
create table catalog
id int not null auto_increment,
title varchar(20),
pid int,
info varchar(100),
primary key (id)
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] 0 row(s) affected in 12 ms
alter table cake add constraint FK_Reference_1 foreign key (cid)
references catalog (id) on delete restrict on update restrict
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] 0 row(s) affected in 31 ms
alter table catalog add constraint FK_Reference_2 foreign key (pid)
references catalog (id) on delete restrict on update restrict
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] 0 row(s) affected in 33 ms
insert into account(id,account,password,nick_name) values(10000,'admin','admin','管理员')
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] [HY000][1366] Incorrect string value: '\xE6\xB7\xB1\xE8\x89\xBE...' for column 'title' at row 1
[2019-11-18 17:08:14] Summary: 84 of 84 statements executed, 73 failed in 349 ms (7219 symbols in file)
建表后面都没有ENGINE=INNODB CHARSET=UTF8; 把这个加上去也不行
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