for index in range(len(result)):
TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()相关代码:
# 查詢用戶分頁紀錄 def search_list(self, page): try: con = pool.get_connection() cursor = con.cursor() sql = 'SELECT u.id, u.username, r.role ' \ 'FROM t_user u JOIN t_role r ' \ 'ON u.role_id = r.id ' \ 'ORDER BY u.id ' \ 'LIMIT %s, %s' cursor.execute(sql, ((page-1)*10), 10) # 起始值, 一頁顯示10條數據 result = cursor.fetchall() return result except Exception as e: print(e) finally: # dir() 函数的作用是返回当前范围(当前模块)内的变量、方法和定义的类型列表获得的属性列表。 if 'con' in dir(): con.close() 相关代码: elif opt == '2': page = 1 # 必需要將變量設在循環外部, 否則每一次循環, 上一次搜索到的頁數將消失 while True: os.system('cls') count_page = __user_service.search_count_page() # 查詢總頁數 result = __user_service.search_list(page) # 所有紀錄的結果 for index in range(len(result)): one = result[index] # 需要逐一提取數據 -主鍵, title, content_id, type_id print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, '\n\t%d\t%s\t%s' % (index + 1, one[1], one[2])) print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, '-----------------------------') print('\n\t%d/%d' % (page, count_page)) print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, '-----------------------------') print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "\n\tback.返回上一層") print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "\n\tprev.上一頁") print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "\n\tnext.下一頁") print(Style.RESET_ALL) opt = input('\n\t請輸入操作編號:') if opt == 'back': break elif opt == 'prev' and page > 1: page -= 1 # 需不需要重新調用查詢功能? 不用! 因為page會保存在循環內, 到時會重新執行 elif opt == 'next' and page < count_page: # 當前頁數 < 總頁數 page += 1 elif int(opt) >= 1 and int(opt) <= 10: # 此處的opt要輸入控制台顯示的新聞序號, 一頁10條紀錄 os.system('cls') user_id = result[int(opt) - 1][0] username = input('\n\t新用戶名:') password = getpass('\n\t密碼:') repassword = getpass('\n\t重複密碼:') if password != repassword: # 用戶提示 print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, '\n\t兩次密碼不一致(3秒後自動返回)') print(Style.RESET_ALL) time.sleep(3) break # 結束這次判斷 result = __role_service.search_list() email = input('\n\t請輸入新郵箱:') for index in range(len(result)): one = result[index] # 使序號連續 print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, '%d.%s' % (index + 1, one[1])) print(Style.RESET_ALL) opt = input('\n\t角色編號;') role_id = result[int(opt)-1][0] opt = input('\n\t是否保存(Y/N)') if opt == 'Y' or opt == 'y': __user_service.update(id, username, password, email, role_id) print('\n\t保存成功(3秒後自動返回)') time.sleep(3)
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2022-06-24 23:08:09
elif opt == '2': page = 1 # 必需要將變量設在循環外部, 否則每一次循環, 上一次搜索到的頁數將消失 while True: os.system('cls') count_page = __user_service.search_count_page() # 查詢總頁數 result = __user_service.search_list(page) # 所有紀錄的結果 for index in range(len(result)): one = result[index] # 需要逐一提取數據 -主鍵, title, content_id, type_id print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, '\n\t%d\t%s\t%s' % (index + 1, one[1], one[2])) print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, '-----------------------------') print('\n\t%d/%d' % (page, count_page)) print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, '-----------------------------') print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "\n\tback.返回上一層") print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "\n\tprev.上一頁") print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, "\n\tnext.下一頁") print(Style.RESET_ALL) opt = input('\n\t請輸入操作編號:') if opt == 'back': break elif opt == 'prev' and page > 1: page -= 1 # 需不需要重新調用查詢功能? 不用! 因為page會保存在循環內, 到時會重新執行 elif opt == 'next' and page < count_page: # 當前頁數 < 總頁數 page += 1 elif int(opt) >= 1 and int(opt) <= 10: # 此處的opt要輸入控制台顯示的新聞序號, 一頁10條紀錄 os.system('cls') user_id = result[int(opt) - 1][0] username = input('\n\t新用戶名:') password = getpass('\n\t密碼:') repassword = getpass('\n\t重複密碼:') if password != repassword: # 用戶提示 print(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, '\n\t兩次密碼不一致(3秒後自動返回)') print(Style.RESET_ALL) time.sleep(3) break # 結束這次判斷 result = __role_service.search_list() email = input('\n\t請輸入新郵箱:') for index in range(len(result)): one = result[index] # 使序號連續 print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, '%d.%s' % (index + 1, one[1])) print(Style.RESET_ALL) opt = input('\n\t角色編號;') role_id = result[int(opt)-1][0] opt = input('\n\t是否保存(Y/N)') if opt == 'Y' or opt == 'y': __user_service.update(id, username, password, email, role_id) print('\n\t保存成功(3秒後自動返回)') time.sleep(3) # 查詢用戶分頁紀錄 def search_list(self, page): try: con = pool.get_connection() cursor = con.cursor() sql = 'SELECT u.id, u.username, r.role ' \ 'FROM t_user u JOIN t_role r ' \ 'ON u.role_id = r.id ' \ 'ORDER BY u.id ' \ 'LIMIT %s, %s' cursor.execute(sql, ((page-1)*10), 10) # 起始值, 一頁顯示10條數據 result = cursor.fetchall() return result except Exception as e: print(e) finally: # dir() 函数的作用是返回当前范围(当前模块)内的变量、方法和定义的类型列表获得的属性列表。 if 'con' in dir(): con.close()
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