<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>register</title> <style type="text/css"> /* common style */ ul{ list-style:none; padding:0; } p{ margin:0; } .clearfix{ *zoom:1; } .clearfix::after{ content:""; display:block; clear:both; } /* style of form layout */ .form-wrapper{ width:1500px; height:700px; border:2px solid orange; border-radius:10px; margin:0 auto; padding-left:50px; } form>ul{ width:1000px; margin-bottom:100px; } form>ul>li>div{ width:400px; /* height:50px; */ float:left; line-height:50px; } /* style of form content */ .enter-info{ text-align:left; } .enter-info>span:first-child{ color:red; } .little-text{ letter-spacing:6px; } .enter-info>input{ width:250px; height:30px; border-radius:5px; padding-left:5px; border:1px solid grey; } .enter-info .warning{ display:none; color:red; } /* check how strong the passwords is */ .tip-info{ color:orange; } .tip-info-correct{ color:green; } .tip-info-incorrect{ color:red; } .tip-info .vali{ padding:20px 0; } .tip-info .vali>li{ width:100px; height:10px; margin-right:10px; background-color:grey; float:left; } button{ width: 250px; height: 40px; border-radius:5px; border:none; color:white; background-color:orange; font-size:20px; margin-left:275px; } button:hover{ background-color:rgb(255, 137, 2); cursor:pointer; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="form-wrapper"> <form action="save.php" method="post"> <ul> <li class="clearfix user-name"> <div class="enter-info"> <span>*</span> <span class="little-text"> 用户名: </span> <input type="text" placeholder="用户名设置成功后不可修改" /> </div> <div class="tip-info"> <span> 6-30位字母、数字或_, 以字母开头 </span> </div> </li> <li class="clearfix pass-word"> <div class="enter-info"> <span>*</span> 登录密码: <input type="text" placeholder="6-20位字母或数字" /> <p class="warning"> 6-20位字母或数字 </p> </div> <div class="tip-info"> <ul class="vali clearfix"> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="clearfix check-pass"> <div class="enter-info"> <span>*</span> 确认密码: <input type="text" placeholder="再次输入您的登录密码" /> </div> <div class="tip-info"></div> </li> </ul> <button type="button"> 注册 </button> </form> </div> </body> </html> <script type="text/javascript"> var rEXPname = /^[A-z]\w{5,29}$/, /*rEXPname = /^[A-z]+\w{5,29}$/g, 为什么使用+号之后,要用全局匹配模式才能正确匹配呢?*/ rEXPpass1 = /^\d{6,20}$|^[A-Z]{6,20}$|^[a-z]{6,20}$/, rEXPpass2 = /^[0-9a-z]{6,20}$|^[0-9A-Z]{6,20}$|^[A-Za-z]{6,20}$/, rEXPpass3 = /^[A-z\d]{6,20}$/; var oName = document.querySelector(".user-name .enter-info input"), oPass= document.querySelector(".pass-word .enter-info input"), oWarning = document.querySelector(".pass-word .enter-info .warning"), oCheckPass= document.querySelector(".check-pass .enter-info input"); var oNameTip = document.querySelector(".user-name .tip-info"), oPassTip = document.querySelector(".pass-word .tip-info"), oCheckPassTip = document.querySelector(".check-pass .tip-info"); var oVali = document.querySelectorAll(".tip-info .vali li"); var c1 = false, c2 = false, c3 = false; oName.onblur = function(){ if( rEXPname.test(this.value) ){ oNameTip.innerHTML = "<span>用户名输入正确</span>"; oNameTip.className = "tip-info-correct"; c1 = true; }else{ oNameTip.innerHTML = "<span>6-30位字母、数字或_, 以字母开头</span>"; oNameTip.className = "tip-info-incorrect"; c1 = false; } }; oPass.onblur = function(){ if( rEXPpass1.test(this.value) ){ oVali[0].style.backgroundColor = "red"; oVali[1].style.backgroundColor = ""; oVali[2].style.backgroundColor = ""; oWarning.style.display = "none"; c2 = true; }else if( rEXPpass2.test(this.value) ){ oVali[0].style.backgroundColor = "red"; oVali[1].style.backgroundColor = "orange"; oVali[2].style.backgroundColor = ""; oWarning.style.display = "none"; c2 = true; }else if( rEXPpass3.test(this.value) ){ oVali[0].style.backgroundColor = "red"; oVali[1].style.backgroundColor = "orange"; oVali[2].style.backgroundColor = "green"; oWarning.style.display = "none"; c2 = true; } else{ oVali[0].style.backgroundColor = ""; oVali[1].style.backgroundColor = ""; oVali[2].style.backgroundColor = ""; oWarning.style.display = "block"; c2 = false; } }; oCheckPass.onblur = function(){ if(!this.value){ oCheckPassTip.innerHTML = "<span>输入框不能为空</span>"; oCheckPassTip.className = "tip-info-incorrect"; c3 = false; }else if(this.value == oPass.value){ oCheckPassTip.innerHTML = "<span>两次输入一致</span>"; oCheckPassTip.className = "tip-info-correct"; c3 = true; }else{ oCheckPassTip.innerHTML = "<span>两次密码输入不一致,请重新输入</span>"; oCheckPassTip.className = "tip-info-incorrect"; c3 = false; } }; var oButton = document.querySelector("button"); oButton.addEventListener("click",function(){ if(c1&&c2&&c3){ alert("信息填写正确"); }else{ alert("请填写正确的信息"); } }); </script>
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