报错信息:You are running a development build of Vue.
Make sure to use the production build (.prod.js) when deploying for production.
index.html:95 1
index.html:96 1
You are running a development build of Vue.
Make sure to use the production build (.prod.js) when deploying for production.
index.html:105 Proxy
You are running a development build of Vue.
Make sure to use the production build (.prod.js) when deploying for production.
api/leave/list?eid=1:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 405 ()
axios.js:2 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 405
[object Proxy]
VM88 vue.global.js:9558 You are running a development build of Vue.
Make sure to use the production build (.prod.js) when deploying for production.
DevTools 无法加载来源映射:无法加载 http://localhost:8080/assets/axios/axios.min.map 的内容:加载因超时而取消
VM96 vue.global.js:9558 You are running a development build of Vue.
Make sure to use the production build (.prod.js) when deploying for production.
VM103 vue.global.js:9558 You are running a development build of Vue.
Make sure to use the production build (.prod.js) when deploying for production.
VM110 vue.global.js:9558 You are running a development build of Vue.
Make sure to use the production build (.prod.js) when deploying for production.
vue.global.js:9558 You are running a development build of Vue.
Make sure to use the production build (.prod.js) when deploying for production.
4DevTools 无法加载来源映射:无法加载 http://localhost:8080/assets/axios/axios.min.map 的内容:加载因超时而取消
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