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I became what I am today at the age of twelve,sfjewiaf afoi <br>
on a frigid overcast day in the winter offioewf jfs <br>
I remember the precise moment afje sjk.
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<h2> A WORD<br>
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One day last summer, eslw.<br>
He asked me to come see him Stand.erft<br>
my friendRahim Khan called from feee.<br>
with the receiver to edw ewwwa af<br>
my ear.<br>
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<div class="container-top-top">70000</div>
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<div class="container-top-bottom">Students</div>
<div class="container-bottom">
<div class="container-bottom-top">600</div>
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<div class="container-bottom-bottom">Faculty</div>
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正在回答 回答被采纳积分+1
要针对代码情况来编写,不同的代码使用相同代码课程不起作用,你编写的代码因为 top 使用了定位,所以 body 最小宽不起作用,需要单独对相应的块进行设置,同时关于 about 区定位错乱,可以不使用浮动,只使用定位就可以。代码有的css 样式引用没成功,注意名称的对应,同时对 top 和 about 区左了简单调整,详看代码,并总结和动手操作,解决实际问题。希望对你有帮助,祝学习愉快。如解决你的疑惑,欢迎采纳呦。
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